Collection: Guardian Angel

We need guardian angel lucky charms always and everywhere. Not just for New Years, birthdays, exams, weddings, births or just because.

Give very special and unusual guardian angels, lucky charms and lucky gifts to all your loved ones and show them how important they are to you!

9 products
  • Cuddly toy guardian angel- rainbow cat in a sack “Hope”
    Cuddly toy guardian angel- rainbow cat in a sack “Hope”
  • Cuddly toy cat “Zoe”
    Cuddly toy cat “Zoe”
  • Cuddly toy guardian angel cat in a bag “Flo”
    Cuddly toy guardian angel cat in a bag “Flo”
  • Guardian angel in a jute bag “Greta”
    Guardian angel in a jute bag “Greta”
  • Pig Guardian Angel Pillow “Pebbles”
    Pig Guardian Angel Pillow “Pebbles”
  • Small wooden picture "Guardian Angel" white/gray
    Small wooden picture
  • Cuddly toy reindeer in a sack "Nisse"
    Cuddly toy reindeer in a sack
  • Cuddly toy cat “Zoe”
    Cuddly toy cat “Zoe”
  • Cuddly toy cat “Zoe”
    Cuddly toy cat “Zoe”

Verschenke ganz besondere und ausgefallene Schutzengel, Glücksbringer und Glücksgeschenke an alle Deine Herzensmenschen und zeig ihnen damit, wie wichtig sie dir sind!