Bat 'Gustav'
Cuddly toy "Gustav" is a cuddly, scary bat.
Bat “Gustav” regularly does flight exercises. He especially loves night flights. But as soon as it gets cold outside, he prefers to cuddle inside on the sofa.
To make him look even scarier, he has a separate eye patch that can of course be removed.
“Gustav” lives in the city with all the other cuddly toys from “ole & fine” and, like all his friends, enjoys regular cuddles.
He can never get enough of it and would be happy if you adopted him.
Whether as a cuddly toy or just for decoration, "Gustav" brings joy into the house.
The cuddly toy "Gustav" is hand-sewn from Nicky fabric, quilted fabric and plush and filled with fiberfill.
Dimensions: 34 cm high, 6 cm deep, 60 cm wide
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