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Collection: Bears

A bear is the best BEAR surprise ever!

I don't think there is anyone who wouldn't be happy to receive a bear as a gift. Whether as a comforter, encouragement, lucky charm, cuddly toy or just because, a bear is always a suitable gift.

Here at ★ ole & fine ★ you will find small and large bears, all very special and extraordinary, as they are all self-designed and handmade.

They are all just really strong, I promise!

19 products
  • Your best friend, cuddly toy bear "Magnus", small
    Your best friend, cuddly toy bear
  • Cuddly toy bear in a sack “Per”
    Cuddly toy bear in a sack “Per”
  • Bear “Mattis”
    Bear “Mattis”
  • Cuddly toy bear with message “Lutz”
    Cuddly toy bear with message “Lutz”
  • Cuddly toy bear “Turre”
    Cuddly toy bear “Turre”
  • Your best friend, cuddly toy bear "Magnus"
    Your best friend, cuddly toy bear
  • Stitched postcard “Bear with a party hat”
    Stitched postcard “Bear with a party hat”
  • Postcard 'Bear with Party Hat'
    Postcard 'Bear with Party Hat'
  • Christmas card “Polar bear with hat”
    Christmas card “Polar bear with hat”
  • Small wooden picture "Bear with party hat" white
    Small wooden picture
  • Cuddly pillow bear “Gustav”
    Cuddly pillow bear “Gustav”
  • Guardian angel pig "Puck"
    Guardian angel pig
  • Guardian angel pig "Puck"
    Guardian angel pig
  • Cuddly pillow bear “Olov”
    Cuddly pillow bear “Olov”
  • Cuddly pillow bear “Johan”
    Cuddly pillow bear “Johan”
  • Christmas card “Polar Bear”
    Christmas card “Polar Bear”
  • Christmas card “Polar bear with gift”
    Christmas card “Polar bear with gift”
  • Cherry stone pillow bear “Johan”
    Cherry stone pillow bear “Johan”
  • Large wooden picture "Bear with party hat" grey
    Large wooden picture

Hier bei ★ ole & fine ★ findest du kleine und große Bären, alle ganz besonders und außergewöhnlich, da sie alle selbst entworfen und handgemacht sind.

Sie sind alle einfach bärenstark, versprochen!